Use Influenza Phase 2 to detoxify when symptoms of virus express deeper in the body as inflammation, affecting organs such as lungs.
Use Influenza Phase 2 to detoxify when symptoms of virus appear in organs such as the lungs. When cold turns to heat and expresses in the form of fever, inflammation or dryness, the danger is more imminent. It is important to address these symptoms before conditions become more dire.
Toxic Heat Attacking the Lung. 热毒袭肺证
When one or more of the following symptoms begin to express:
- Fever
- Aversion to cold
- Sore throat
- Dry cough
- Scanty mucus
- Sore and painful muscles in the limbs
- Weakness
- Headache
BLACK DATE (berry ) – Jin Yin Hua 金银花
FORSYTHE (fruit) – JapanLian Qiao 连翘
JAPANESE CATNIP (bud) – Jing Jie 荆芥
BURDOCK (fruit) – Niu Bang Zi 牛蒡子
PEPPERMINT (leaf) – Bo He 薄荷
LICORICE (root) – Gan Cao 生甘草
BAMBOO (leaves + stem) – Dan Zhu Ye 淡竹叶
REED (root) – Lu Gen 芦根
GOLDTHREAD (root) – Huang Lian 黄连
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Reverse Osmosis Water, Honey
In conditions do to cold: ex dry itchy throat (not sore throat). clear runny nose (not green or yellow mucus).
Reduce dosage if diarrhea or upset stomach occurs. Reduce cold foods and drinks. Add warm teas and soups.
Tincture: 2-4 droppers based on body weight. Two droppers per 100LBS of body weight.
Yin Qiao
Pilot Study of the Use of Yin Qiao San in Children With Conventional Antipyretic Hypersensitivity WK, Loh W, Chiang WC, Goh A, Chay OM, Iancovici Kidon M. Pilot study of the use of Yin Qiao San in children with conventional antipyretic hypersensitivity. Asia Pac Allergy. 2015;5(4):222–229. doi:10.5415/apallergy.2015.5.4.222
Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy Decreases the Pneumonia Risk in Patients With Dementia
Lin SK, Tsai YT, Lo PC, Lai JN. Traditional Chinese medicine therapy decreases the pneumonia risk in patients with dementia. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016;95(37):e4917. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000004917